My personal space where I curate my thoughts.
I am Abdur Rahman, the one who tries.
Be like water, my friend
Published: at 07:43 AMmy recent evolutionary insights, out there for the world to see (poem)
On Network States
Published: at 10:19 AMA take on the future of the collective ummah, moving forward
Mediuming my blog
Published: at 07:12 PMIntegrating abdu.fyi with the Medium API
When Stuck in a rut
Published: at 09:21 AMAcquired philosophy?
Recent Posts
Tactics, Warhammer and Other Things
Published: at 09:40 PMWhat I have been upto since my last post
Teaching kids = Orchestra
Updated: at 09:02 PMThe Art of conducting a classroom
Percepts from the Biography of Malcolm X
Published: at 05:41 PMNotes from the book, Autobiography of Malcolm X as Told to Alex Haley
Your land is mine
Published: at 02:19 PMAn old crisis born anew